Sunday, January 19, 2014

Joseph Fielding Smith

Joseph Fielding Smith is the prophet we are going to study this year. New manuals are available if you haven't received yours, please contact a RS presidency member and we will get you one.

January 12,  Paula Smith gave an excellent introductory lesson about The Life and Ministry of Joseph Fielding Smith. (JFS p 18-33) She handed out an outline and paired the classmembers up and had us answer questions related to the life of President Smith. It was an excellent activity and we all left having know this prophet better. Below is some of the questions to guide you if you want to focus your own study. It will be well worth your time to read.
     Who was JFS parents and grandparents?    
     What was unusal about the way JSF received his mission call to England?
     Where did he want to go?
     How many wives and children did JFS have?
     How did he help the church in times of trouble in the depression?

January 19,  Breezy Carter gave a wonderful lesson from Chapter 2 Savior Jesus Christ (JFS, p. 49-57) Breezy placed a life size picture of the Savior to set the tone for the lesson. She opened her lesson with asking us what are the qualities of a best friend. A list of good listener, dependable, kind, loyal, loving, helps you be your best, and many more were listed. She erased the title of best friend and replaced it with Savior.Throughout the lesson she reinforced our need to make the Savior our friend, and to get to know him.
She also used the words of JFS to remind us how important it is to make sure we talk of Christ often to our children, and those around us. She closed with a great video with pictures of the Savior set to the song, "I Know My Redeemer Lives." Great Lesson and challenge to start our focus for 'Coming unto Christ'. And pattern our lives after the Savior. The YM/YW theme this year is Come unto Christ. Our Stake Presidency has challenged all of us to make that our focus. "Come unto Christ and be Perfected in Him, and Deny yourself of all ungodliness."

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Important Announcements!

Sisters, please remember to bring an ornament on Thursday Nov. 7th to decorate one of three table trees for the Festival of Trees. Tree 1 Red &b Santa, Tree 2 Lime Green and Gold, Tree 3 Silver and White.

Presentations on Decorating Christmas trees, family gift giving, Keeping Christ in Christmas,
Holiday treats and dishes to share, Family Traditions, and More...This should be a great night to get us in the Spirit of the Holidays and hopefully walk away with some new ideas to make this year special.

Also, don't forget to bring your favorite holiday treat to share with everyone!

We are SO EXCITED to share this evening together as we prepare for the Festival of Trees, and the upcoming holiday season.

Sunday November 3rd Lesson: "Be True"

Todays lesson was given by Katy Robinson, our Relief Society President.  She taught the sisters about what the meaning was of "being true".

The lesson began with a story from Gordon B. Hinckley's book "Way to be".  President Hinckley tells of an experience in his youth.  His 7th grade class was required to stay back with the elementary age kids because the new junior high building couldn't accommodate their class.  His class felt angry and unfairly treated, so they decided to go on "strike".  They all did not show up to school the next day.  Being in trouble with the Principal, he was required to bring a note from home excusing him from the absence.  He felt sick about telling his mom what he'd done, but he told her and she wrote the following note for him.  " Please excuse Gordon's absence yesterday.  His action was simply an impulse to follow the crowd."  President Hinckley says it was a stinging rebuke that motivated him never to follow the crowd again.

Katy then had the sisters share their ideas, words and descriptions of the meaning of the word "true".  Many suggestions were offered:  Standing for the right, dedicated, committed, name a few.  But Sister Richter (welcome back!) was top contributor with her Websters definition from her i-phone. :)

Katy then explained that the ultimate explanation of being true, is being a true disciple of Christ.  Here are things we can do to be a true follower of Christ:

  • Keep Christ in our thoughts
  • Be a missionary
  • Serve others
  • Say our prayers
  • Read the scriptures
  • Keep the Sabbath Day holy
  • Attend church and attend the Temple
  • Obey the commandments
  • Submit to His will 
Thank you Sister Katy for this wonderful and inspiring lesson!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

LESSON: October 27th, Marriage: Watch and Learn

Sister Sharon Blomquist gave this wonderful lesson from the May Conference Ensign.  The talk is by Elder L. Whitney Clayton of the Presidency of the Seventy.  Pg. 83.

The promises of the Lord are extended to all those who follow the pattern of life that builds happy, holy marriage relationships.

Watch and Learn:

  • The best marriage partners regard their marriages as priceless
  • Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the foundation of happy, eternal marriages
  • Repentance and Humility build happy marriages
  • Terrific marriages are completely respectful, transparent and loyal
  • Successful couples love each other with complete devotion
Sister Blomquist also shared the following inspiring quotes:

"Your spouse is the only other person, other than the Lord, whom you have been commanded to love with all your heart."  See D&C 42:22

"Choose your love, Love your choice!"

"None of us are as good as we know we should be.  No one is perfect, but we must keep trying..."

"Being happily and successfully married is generally not so much a matter of marrying the right person, as it is being the right person."

"Marriage is a gift from God to us.  The quality of our marriage is a gift to Him."


Relief Society Computer Basics:  E-Mail, Social Media and LDS Websites
Tuesday November 29th, 4-6 pm at Belknap Elementary

Relief Society Enrichment Night:  "It's All About Christmas"
Thursday November 7th, 6:30 pm
Please bring a Christmas tree ornament.  Lot's of great Christmas ideas, and we'll make our Festival of Trees project.

Festival of Trees:  Tuesday November 12th

Salt Lake City Temple Square Trip:
Saturday December 7th.
We will meet at the church at 7:00 am.  We will go to the Festival of Trees, then to The Brigham Young House Pantry for lunch.  Next we will attend the play "Savior of the World", followed by a stroll among the beautiful lights of Temple Square.  Contact Kathy Yardley to attend, or for more information.

Ward Christmas Party:  Wednesday December 11th, 6:00 pm.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

August 18th Lesson: "That We May Become One"

Thank you to Sister Mary Wignall for stepping in and giving this great lesson!  It is from the Lorenzo Snow book, chapter 16.

"The voice of the Almighty called us out from the midst of form a union and a lovely brotherhood, in which we should love one another as we love ourselves."

When we are united in the gospel, the Lord shows the world His character through us.
Jesus prayed to his Father that those he had given him out of the world might be one as he and the Father were one, and says he, I pray that thou wilt give them the same love which thou hast for me, that I may be in them and thou in me, that all may be one.  There is something very important in this, and we have got ot practice ourselves until we become like the Father and the Son, one in all things.

If we have division in our midst; if we be divided either spiritually or temporally, we never can be the people that God designs us to become, nor can we ever become instruments in His hands.

Unity is essential in the Church and in our families.
Sister Wignall taught that there should be perfect union from the quorum of the Twelve, all the way to the Bishop and his counselors.  In addition, there needs to be unity in the family.  The father and mother of the home should make themselves just as perfect as a person can in life.  Couples should never criticize or speak disrespectfully of the other in front of the children. Nor should we ever speak disrespectfully of church leaders.

We become united as we help each other secure peace and happiness.
"Let your minds be expanded to comprehend and look after the interest of your friends that are around you, and where it is in your power to secure benefits to your friends, do so...and in so doing you will find that those things which you need will come into your hands quicker than if you labor entirely to secure them to yourselves...I know this is a good and important principle.

As we become united in the gospel, we increase in light and intelligence and prepare to dwell in God's presence.
"But if we continue in the extent of those covenants which we made when we received the Gospel, there is a corresponding increase of light and intelligence, and there is a powerful preparation for that which is to come.  And because of our faithfulness and our adherence to the covenants we have made, the foundation upon which we stand becomes like the pillars of heaven--immovable."

August 11th Lesson: Faithful, Energetic Service in the Kingdom of God

Sister Penny Levering gave this wonderful lesson:  It is from the Lorenzo Snow book, chapter 15.

"Knowing our religion to be true, we ought to be the most devoted people on the face of the earth to the cause we have embraced."  Lorenzo Snow

Because we have received the fullness of the gospel, we serve as ambassadors of Christ
What is an ambassador?  An ambassador is a representative.  We art to testify to the whole world that we know, by divine revelation, that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, and that he revealed himself to Joseph Smith and made known to him the heavenly truths by which alone mankind can be saved.  God will hold us accountable for the disposition we make of this sacred trust which he has committed to us.  We will become answerable for our individual acts and for the manner in which we use the talents and ability the Lord has given us.

Membership in the Church is a call to help others receive salvation.
The Lord has not in view merely the salvation of a few people called Latter-day Saints..., but the salvation of all men, the living and the dead.  We have the same Priesthood that Jesus had, and we have got to do as He did, to make sacrifice of our own desires and feelings as He did, perhaps not to die martyrs as He did, but we have go to make sacrifices in order to carry out the purposes of God.

Every calling and responsibility is important in the Lord's work.
Sister Penny reminded us that every calling is important, that each sister can serve the Lord and improve and help to build the kingdom of God here on earth.  We must all do our best to improve on whatever talent the Lord blessed us with.

When we serve God with faith, energy, and cheerfulness, He strengthens us and helps us succeed.
"I say, let men serve God faithfully and energetically, and be cheerful...There are times when persons are brought into conditions where it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to assume a cheerful aspect.  But such times are very few."

The work of the Lord is sometimes difficult, but it brings great joy.
We meet many things associated with t his labor that are not pleasant, but there is a great pleasure connected with it.  When we look back upon our determinations to devote ourselves to the cause of truth and keep our covenants, we have great joy, because the spirit of our callings rests mightily upon us, whithout which spirit we cannot keep pace with the kingdom of God.  We should renew our covenants before God and the holy angels, that we will, God being our helper, serve him more faithfully during the ensuing year than we ha e in the past, that our public and private life...may be in keeping with the motto, "The kingdom of God or nothing."

Why do you think membership in the church  brings such great responsibilities?
When have you seen someone honor a seemingly small calling or assignment?
In what ways to faith, energy and cheerfulness influence our service?